Brand owned by GIOTTO Group S.r.l.

Gas Generators Technology

Design and Production of

 Gas Generators

About Us

Based on Noale (VE) and Padua, GIOTTO Group S.r.l. activity branch has been started from a complete range of analytical gas supply generators devolved (nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air) widening the business area to the laboratory analytical instrumentation.

GIOTTO Instruments supports industrial customers and laboratories who intend to solve their gas supply problems, providing them with a complete range of products for of gas generators, capable of satisfying every need, from the smallest laboratory to the medium industry.

Our Generators


The G-NITROG series of nitrogen generators is suitable for use both in the chemical field (GC - LCMS - ELSD) and in the food field (Food Packaging).


Line of hydrogen generators dedicated to use in laboratories (GC - GC-MSD). Equipped with security systems with acoustic alarms, messages on the display and automatic blocking of the expected production in case of losses of the gas. G-HYDROG series combines high performance with competitive price.


The G-ZEROG Air Generators produce laboratory grade purified and hydrocarbon free air from an existing in house oil free compressed air supply or from our integrated oil free compressor, eliminating the need for inconvenient high-pressure gas cylinders.

Business Units

The reference business units

for our generators



Giotto Instruments satisfies needs of companies operating in the food industry and need to use nitrogen generators for packaging food in a modified atmosphere and for preserving food liquids.

Analytical Laboratory

Giotto Instruments hydrogen, nitrogen and zero air generators integrate into our customers' production chains and have been designed for the most common analytical laboratory applications

Industrial Applications

All models are specially designed for use in the following industrial fields: chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries; plastic processing industries; industries specialized in laser cutting.

Our Download area


Contact us

For further information, please feel free to contact us.

We'll be glad to assist you!

Head Office

GIOTTO Group S.r.l.

Via Coppadoro,1/6

30033 Noale (Ve)


Branch Office

GIOTTO Group S.r.l.

Via Padova, 75/10

35010 Vigonza (Pd)


T. (+39) 0418878142

F. (+39) 0418871949